Build a Relationship with God Today
BECOME - A Child of God
Congratulations!!! Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior and turning away from the way from sin and the world you used to live is the most important decision you can take.
GROW - In Your Faith/Discipleship
Adding to your faith! Learning more about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian can be fun. We encourage you to join our discipleship classes where you learn in the company of fellow believers who are on same quest for spiritual growth
BELONG - To a Family of Believers
Why Church? Once you accept Christ you need to belong to local bible believing church where your newfound faith can be nurtured for you become grounded and grow to serve Christ in your own unique way
SERVE - Ministry Opportunities/Mission
Get to work! God has given each of us diverse gifts through which we are to serve Him and others. As you serve and help others grow, you also grow. The most important way to serve God is to bring others to Jesus.